The route is now complete!
In mid-November 2019, the city of Eureka completed the Eureka Waterfront Trail by connecting a one-block section on 1st Street. This now allows bikers and walkers to hike from Tydd Street to Herrick Avenue — all on paved Trail!
Description: Written about by the likes of Raymond Carver, Eureka’s waterfront was once a bustling combination of lumber mills, a robust fishing fleet and associated processing plants, and the vibrant but, at times, seedy, commercial district of a port town. Things are much quieter these days and many of the old warehouses have been razed. Nonetheless, the two-mile long waterfront is a pleasant walk. You may be as likely to see a curious harbor seal or rowers sculling down the channel as a fishing boat returning to offload its catch.

Learn more in Hiking Humboldt V2!

Hiking Humboldt Volume 2 (second edition)
By Rees Hughes
Books will ship in late March.
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