Embark on a flavorful journey through the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest, where the evergreen trees are not only charismatic megaflora, but also ingredients for a unique tea experience.
Forest Mushroom Class Pairings
Part 1: Kombucha In The Mist We’re kicking it off by pairing Part 1 with a beverage that you can watch develop with a culture of your very own — or just pick up a bottle from your neighborhood market: Kombucha! For best effect, pour yourself a sparkling glass and sit outside on a misty autumnal evening listening […]
The Vivid View of Ken Jarvela
Once you get on a roll with a painting, its like you have free license to be part of the mountains. It’s an odd feeling. Ken Jarvela is one of our favorite local artists. His work captures the wildest plants, rocks, sky and these are the subjects we love. He grew up in Bayside, California alongside […]