Length: 1.8 miles (with variations)
Total ascent: 250 feet
Elevations: 450 – 580 feet
Type: 80% loop
Land Management: County of Humboldt
Fee: none
Access Constraints: none
Dogs: yes
Bicycles: yes
Horses: no
Restrooms: none
Description: The lightly used roads in the housing development near the golf course are pleasant with a cooling tree canopy along much of the Forest View loop. This route has several options to extend or shorten the walk and includes some steep, aerobic sections.
Directions: From Willow Creek drive 0.9 mile north on Country Club Drive crossing the Trinity River to the intersection with the Patterson and Seeley-McIntosh Roads. Turn left on Patterson Road for 0.4 mile. Turn right on Bigfoot Avenue. There is limited roadside parking on Bigfoot Avenue.
The Route: From a parking spot on Bigfoot Avenue, walk to and then up either Forest View Drive (0.3) or Hillcrest Way (0.5). Forest View loops around returning to Bigfoot Avenue (1.4) and back to your vehicle (1.8). Hillcrest Way connects with Forest View Drive where a right turn takes you in the other direction around its loop for a slightly longer walk. Forest View Drive does incorporate a short steep segment about halfway around the loop.
Extras. This area is residential and cross streets like Village Way offer yet another shorter alternative. Fairway Drive, which turns north from Bigfoot Avenue, provides yet another option in the area. It follows the eastern perimeter of the golf course for 0.4 mile to a turnaround. Care must be taken if golfers are on the course as it is clear that errant golf balls periodically pepper the road and adjacent residences.