Length: 3.4 miles round trip (longer is possible)
Total ascent: 530 feet
Elevations: 4,160 – 4,650 feet
Type: 0% loop
Land management: Six Rivers National Forest
Fee: none
Access constraints: In the winter and spring, snow may be an issue in the Horse Mountain area impacting roads and trails. With the onset of rains in the autumn, FS (Forest Service) 06N38 is closed to help prevent the spread of Port Orford cedar root disease. (See Sidebar: The Port Orford Cedar)
Dogs: yes
Bicycles: yes
Horses: not recommended
Restrooms: none
Description: This is entirely a road walk. The road descends past tailings, remnant foundations, and other evidence of the Horse Mountain Mine, now the subject of an extensive clean-up effort. While that is interesting enough, this hike has the added bonus of views out over the Trinity Alps and down the deep valley created by Horse Mountain Creek.
Getting there: proceed north on US 101 for 9.5 miles taking Exit 716A (CA 299) east toward Weaverville/Redding. In 28.0 miles take the Titlow Hill Road that exits right from Berry Summit, the crest of the second tall ridge that CA 299 climbs on its way east. Follow Titlow Hill road for 4.6 miles to the broad Horse Mountain parking area that also serves as the junction for several roads. Substantial parking exists in this area for the Horse Mountain Mine walk. Turn left to reach the Indian Butte Loop walk and the Trinity Alps Vista walk. Continue straight along Forest Service 1 for the Cold Spring walk (Hike #86) and the Spike Buck Mountain walk (Hike #87). Approximate driving time, 1 hour..
The route: Walk past the gate on FS 06N38 on the east side of the parking area [certain times of the year when the potential for spread of the Port Orford Cedar pathogen is at a minimum, the gate is opened]. The road descends past a hillside of mine tailings (0.3), the concrete foundation of a building (1.1), and the main processing plant (1.7). The road continues its downward descent at an accelerated pace. While it is possible to add more distance to the walk, there is nothing of special note.