Length: 1.0 mile
Total ascent: 150 feet
Elevations: 450 – 580 feet
Type: 60% loop
Land Management: County of Humboldt
Fee: none
Access Constraints: none
Dogs: yes
Bicycles: yes
Horses: no
Restrooms: none
Description: The short Terrace loop leaves and returns to the commercial area and includes one brief, steep climb. It passes through a residential area on the east side of Willow Creek away from the busier streets.
Directions: From eastbound CA 299 as you enter Willow Creek, take the second left turn opportunity after passing the CA 96 intersection which is Walnut Way (Umpqua Bank is located on the northeast corner of the intersection). Sufficient streetside parking is available on Walnut Way.
The Route: From Walnut Way, this mile-long loop begins by walking north and then turning right on The Terrace Lane. Continue on The Terrace Lane as it climbs briefly, but steeply, up and over a low ridge and as it bends to the right and continues until it ends at Trinity Acres Road (0.6). Turn right on Trinity Acres Road and right again in one block on Roth Road returning to The Terrace Lane (0.8). Turn left and return to Walnut Way (1.0).
Extras. Creekside Park includes the 0.5 mile perimeter Rowley-Wooden Trail and a short, rough trail to and along Willow Creek. The park is closed from 8:30 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. daily, has a portable toilet, picnic tables and other amenities in addition to access to Willow Creek. The park is reached by turning north on Willow Road, the first left as you enter Willow Creek on eastbound CA 299 (just before Ray’s Food Place). The road descends to Creekside Park in about 0.2 mile passing the entrance to the Willow Creek Community Services District Office. There is also a 0.8 mile trail at the Boise Creek National Forest campground, 2 miles east of the community of Willow Creek. This short walk descends from the northwest corner of the campground switchbacking to several spur trails that lead to this beautiful tributary of Willow Creek. There are pools suitable for wading for much of the year although clearly best as a refuge on a hot summer day. There is a short loop near the bottom of the trail however the western portion of the loop trail is often very muddy. When the campground is open there is a $5 day use fee.