Julie Kierstead
Has been a working botanist since 1976, doing rare plant surveys and conservation work in Oregon and California. She has a B.S. in botany from Oregon State University and an M.S. in biology from Northern Arizona University. She worked for the Berry Botanic Garden in Portland as conservation director, developing a seed bank for rare & endangered plants of the Pacific Northwest and helped get a state endangered species act passed in Oregon. Since 1989 she had the good fortune to serve as Forest Botanist for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in northwestern California, where she was ideally situated to promote plant exploration in the Klamath Ranges and southern Cascades. She Retired in 2019. This is not her first venture into the field of publishing having served as co-author and technical editor for the University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources publication Illustrated Field Guide to Selected Rare Plants of Northern California published in 2001.