- Publisher: Backcountry Press
- Editor: Michael Kauffmann
- Edition: First
- Available in: Paperback, PDF
- ISBN: 978-1-941624-07-4
- Published: May 11, 2019
The Geologic Story of Lassen
Volcanic National Park and Vicinity
The book describes the in intriguing geology and geologic evolution of Lassen Volcanic National Park and surrounding areas, providing an up-to-date source of geologic information specific to Lassen Country. The book includes updated geology based on over 30 years of regional field work in Lassen Volcanic National Park and vicinity.
We invite you to explore Lassen Country through:
- In-depth natural history discussion of Lassen
Country covering volcanoes, mud pots, fumeroles, hot springs, glaciers, geologic time and more - Cultural and historical notes about the region
- Mile by mile geologic tour through Lassen Volcanic National Park to Old Station
- Eight detailed hikes to get out and explore the geology of Lassen Country
- Specific locations to explore the Lassen Volcanic National Park, Hat Creek, and Old Station
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This is an admirably lucid, comprehensive, and well-illustrated guide to one of North America’s most active volcanic areas. It tells a surprising amount about how this planet works, all the way from geological basics to sophisticated tectonic theories. –David Rains Wallace
Geology of the Lassen Country is an excellent, in-depth discussion of the geology and geologic history of Lassen Volcanic National Park and nearby areas in Lassen National Forest. –John Soares
This informative and well-illustrated work will surely become required reading for anyone interested in geology who visits Lassen Volcanic National Park. Although famous for Lassen Peak’s violent and well-documented volcanic eruptions between 1914 and 1917, the greater Lassen Volcanic National Park region possesses a world-class variety of geological phenomena, which are described and interpreted for the reader in this book. Following a brief introduction, the authors – one a professional geologist and teacher and the other a research geologist with the US Geological Survey who has studied the Lassen Peak volcanic area for more than two decades – expertly guide the reader through the tectonic, volcanic, hydrothermal, and glacial history of the area. Readers also have the opportunity to follow a wonderful road guide with mile markers that direct the reader to specific deposits that geologists continue to use in their quest to better understand the geologic history of this dynamic and fascinating place. –Brandon Browne, Humboldt State University