Fortuna – Ferndale – Rio Del
The broad, flat and fertile Eel River delta dominates the landscape in this region. In summer and fall, when the flow of the Van Duzen and the mighty Eel diminish to a trickle, it is difficult to imagine that the Eel could ever create such a grand landform. But, come winter rains, the Eel River can quickly change personalities. During these times of indiscriminate fury, the river carries the highest suspended sediment load of any river of its size in the United States.
This section includes a number of road walks across this agricultural bottomland and around the communities of Loleta, Ferndale, and Fortuna. In addition, there are walks on the major ridges serving as the northern (Table Bluff) and southern boundaries (Bear River Ridge) of the Eel River delta, several walks along the sandy beaches and dramatic headlands in this region, and even a walk into Headwaters Forest.
- Loleta – Singley Road/Table Bluff Cemetery and Loleta Railroad Tunnel
- Table Bluff Loop
- South Spit and Jetty
- Cannibal Island – Crab Park – Cock Robin Island
- Centerville Beach South and Fleener Creek Loop
- Centerville Beach North to the Mouth of the Eel River
- Poole Road
- Guthrie Creek Trail
- Russ Park
- Ferndale Architectural and Historical Walk
- Ferndale Bottoms – Goble, Camp Weott, Port Kenyon, Fulmor, and Dillon Roads
- Williams Creek Road
- Bear River Ridge
- Upper Bear River Road
- Headwaters Forest Salmon Pass Trail
- Fortuna – Riverwalk North and Riverwalk South
- Fortuna Architectural Walk
- Rohner Park Trails
- Strongs Creek
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